GMAT Exam Fees | GMAT Rescheduling Fees

What is the GMAT test cost? | GMAT ASR Cost

Question : How much does the GMAT test cost? What is the GMAT exam fees?

If you want to register for the GMAT, the GMAT exam fees is $250. The GMAT cost is the same irrespective of when you write the GMAT or in which country or city you take the test. There is no way to get a GMAT fee waiver. Anyone who writes the test must pay the full GMAT exam fees.

There are a few other GMAT fees that you need to be aware of as well.

  • GMAT Exam Rescheduling Fees | USD 60

    If you wish to reschedule the GMAT exam, and you do so at least 7 days before the date on which you are scheduled to write the GMAT, the GMAT rescheduling fees is $60. If you reschedule the test less than 7 days from the date of your GMAT test, then you need to pay $250 as the GMAT rescheduling fees - essentially you have to pay for the test all over again.

  • GMAT Score Cancellation Fees | USD 25

    As soon as you have written the GMAT, your score will be visible on the screen. It is called the GMAT score preview. You have two minutes within which you have to choose to keep or cancel the score. Say you decide to keep the score, but then later, you are thinking you should probably cancel it. You have already walked out of the test centre and then you decide to cancel the score at this stage. At this stage, cancelling the GMAT costs $25.

    Note: You have only a 72-hour window from the time you finished the test to cancel a score that you accepted in the test center.

  • GMAT Score Reinstating Fees | USD 50

    Let us say instead that you cancel the score right after you write the GMAT exam but now you are thinking that you should have kept the score. In this case, reinstating the GMAT score that you cancelled costs $50 and you can reinstate the score report. Some people would cancel the score believing that they will have the time to write the GMAT all over again. But they will later find that they do not have the time to prepare or that their old score is good enough to apply to some of their target business schools. In such cases, reinstating the score report is a good option and is available for a total duration of 4 years and 11 months from the time the GMAT exam was written because the GMAT is valid for 5 years.

Question: What are the other GMAT test costs?

1. GMAT Enhanced Score Report (ESR) | USD 30

You can get an in-depth analysis of your performance in the GMAT exam with a report called the Extended Score Report (ESR). The ESR will give you a good idea of the average time you have taken for your questions and how well you have answered your questions. If you are writing the GMAT more than once, this is a helpful report to have. You can get this report for the first attempt of the GMAT exam, and analyse your performance in that GMAT test. Based on your analysis, you can do additional preparation and therefore be able to score better the next time you write your GMAT test. This report that analyses your GMAT costs $30.

2. GMAT Additional Score Report (ASR) | USD 35 each

Also, when you are writing the GMAT, you have the option of choosing 5 schools for which the GMAT will send you official score reports for free. If you are applying for more schools, then you need to make sure that your official score report is sent to the schools. You ask the GMAT to send these score report but sending each of these reports of your GMAT costs $35. When we say you can choose 5 schools to send the report to, what we mean is 5 programs that you are applying to. What's is the difference? If you are applying to both the full time MBA program and part time MBA program at the same B school, you need to send two score reports - one for each of the programs you are applying to. So if you chose only one of the two programs in your first 5 free schools, then you need to pay $35 for the second score report - even though it is the same school.

3. GMAT AWA Re-Evaluation | USD 45

One last number - once you receive your official score report, if you are not happy with the AWA score that you have got, you can ask for your AWA essay to be re-evaluated. If you ask for the re-evaluation, then the cost for getting the re-evaluation of the GMAT essay done is $45.


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