GMAT Focus Edition Exam Pattern

What are the sections, scores, select section order in GMAT 2024 edition?

Question : What is the structure of the GMAT Exam? How has the GMAT exam pattern changed since 2023? What is the duration of each section? What is the total duration of the GMAT exam? How is each section scored? What is the total score for GMAT?

What is the exam pattern of GMAT Focus Edition?

What are the sections in the GMAT exam? How many questions are there in the GMAT exam? What is the duration of the GMAT exam? What percentile is a 705 or 675 on the GMAT Focus Edtion? What is GMAT Focus syllabus? How long to prepare for the GMAT? Answers to all these GMAT questions and more are given below

The Different Sections in the GMAT Focus Edition

At the outset, the new GMAT exam pattern (Focus Edition) does not have any writing section. The GMAT Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA) section is no longer part of the GMAT. In the new exam format, all questions are multiple choice questions. While the structure of the answer options for the quantitative reasoning and the verbal reasoning section follow the pattern that each question has five answer options and only one answer is correct, the Data Insight section has more variety in the way answer options are presented.

Section Number of Questions Duration Score Range
GMAT Data Insights (DI) 20 Multiple choice questions 45 minutes 60 to 90 in increments of 1
GMAT Quantitative Reasoning (Maths) 21 Multiple choice questions 45 minutes 60 to 90 in increments of 1
GMAT Verbal Reasoning (English) 23 Multiple choice questions 45 minutes 60 to 90 in increments of 1
Total 64 Multiple choice questions 135 minutes + 10-minute Optional Break 205 to 805 in increments of 10

GMAT Data Insights (DI) | What is tested in GMAT DI section?

The GMAT DI section is a combination of the erstwhile GMAT Integrated Reasoning (IR) section and the GMAT Data Sufficiency (DS) questions. The question types in the new GMAT focus edition pattern are not different from the classic GMAT. The question format has remained unchanged while the number of questions and reordering of question types is the hallmark of the structure of this section in the GMAT Focus Edition. In total, the GMAT DI section comprises 5 types of questions

  1. Graphical Interpretation
  2. Table Analysis
  3. Two Part Analysis
  4. Multi-Source Reasoning (MSR)
  5. Data Sufficiency (DS)

1. What is the duration of the GMAT Data Insights (GMAT DI) section?

The duration of the GMAT DI section is 45 minutes. At the end of the 45th minute, you will be automatically taken to the next section of the GMAT exam. If you complete the GMAT DI section before the allotted 45-minute duration, you can choose to relax and wait to be automatically navigated to the next section or you could navigate yourself to the next section immediately.

2. What is the total number of questions in the GMAT Data Insights section?

The GMAT DI section comprises a total of 20 multiple choice questions. In a few questions, you may have to answer more than one subsection of a question. You will be awarded points only if you get all those subsections correct.

3. What is the GMAT DI Score range? What is the marking pattern.

The GMAT Data Insights section is scored on a scale of 60 to 90 in increments of 1 point. While some of the question types are multiple choice questions with 5 answer options, other question types include classificationn questions (Mainly in table analysis) and selecting an answer option from a dropdown menu (Mainly in graphical Interpretation).

4. What is a good score in GMAT DI section?

A score of 80 or more in the GMAT Data Insights section is considered good.
Pro Tip: Because there is no partial credit for questions with more than one subsection, it is imperative that you answer all parts right even if that means that you do not attempt all questions in the section.

5. What is a Computer Adaptive Test? Is GMAT a computer adaptive test?

Computer Adaptive Test is one in which your response to a question determines the level of difficulty of the next question. For illustrative purpose, here is a simplified version of the computer adaptive algorithm: if you get question 1 correct, the next question shown to you will be more difficult. Conversely, if your response to question 1 is incorrect, the next question will be an easier one. The catch: getting tougher questions right fetches more points.

The data insights section of the GMAT exam is a computer adaptive section.

6. How long to prepare for the GMAT DI section to get a good score in GMAT Data Insights?

A typical student will require 75 hours of preparation to get a score of 80 or more in the GMAT Data Insights section.

7. How can I Prepare for GMAT Data Insights?

Wizako's GMAT Focus Pro Online Course: Most comprehensive and affordable GMAT Online Course with videos, slide decks, check point quizzes, chapter tests for all 3 sections of the GMAT Focus Edtion. Sign up as a trial user and try Statistics and Averages in quant, first few lessons and practice in each question type of the GMAT DI section, and a few lessons in the GMAT CR and GMAT RC courses free. Use the trial lessons to understand the GMAT test structure, question patterns and answer option formats. Also, get a first hand experience of how each of the concepts are taught at Wizako.

GMAT Maths | What is tested in the GMAT Quantitative Reasoning Section?

The GMAT Syllabus in Maths comprises what is taught in math at high school level. The GMAT maths syllabus includes arithmetic (about half the questions) and algebra (about another half the questions). Word problems in arithmetic and algebra are a part of the GMAT quant section. The GMAT quant section does not include maths topics that are taught beyond high school level - topics such as calculus, vectors and the like are NOT tested in the GMAT exam.

1. What is the duration of the GMAT Quant section?

The duration of the GMAT Maths section is 45 minutes. As with the other sections of the GMAT, you will be automatically navigated to the next section of the GMAT exam at the end of the 45th minute even if you have not answered all the questions in the GMAT quant section in 45 minutes. Conversely, if you complete the GMAT quant section ahead of the allotted 45 minutes you have the choice of relaxing till the 45-minute duration runs out or navigate to the next section.

2. How many questions does the GMAT Quantitative Reasoning section comprise?

The quant section of the GMAT Focus edition comprises 21 multiple choice questions. It translates to an average of 2 minutes per question. With adequate practice and when you are exam ready, you will be able to complete all the questions in the GMAT quant section with a few minutes to spare.

3. What is the score range for the GMAT Focus Edition quant section? What is the marking pattern?

The GMAT Focus Edition quantitative reasoning section is scored on a scale of 60 to 90 points in increments of 1 point. A score of 90 points is possible in the GMAT quant section and you should aim to ace this section.

4. What types of questions appear in the GMAT Quantitative Reasoning Section?

In the GMAT Focus edition there is only one question type in the Maths section viz., Problem Solving. In the changed GMAT exam pattern, Data Sufficiency (DS) questions, which were a part of the quant section in the GMAT Classic Edition, have been moved to the GMAT DI section in the Focus edition of the GMAT.

The quantitative reasoning section of the GMAT exam is a computer adaptive section.

5. What is a good score in the GMAT Quant Section?

A GMAT score upward of 85 points in the GMAT Maths section is considered good. A score of 90, which is possible, is what you should strive for.

6. How long to prepare for the GMAT Quant Section to get a good score?

A typical student needs to invest 100 hours of dedicated preparation to get a score of 85 or more in this section.

7. How can I Prepare for GMAT Quant?

GMAT Sample Questions in Maths: Wizako's Maths question bank of free practice questions for all topics tested in the GMAT Quant is a great starting point. The GMAT Quant question bank comprises 150 plus questions. Access GMAT Sample Questions in Maths - complete with explanatory answers and video solutions here.

Free GMAT Preparation Online Videos for GMAT Maths: A collection of around 250 videos that start from the basics and walk you through GMAT sample questions that mimic GMAT questions that you will get when you score upward of 85 points in the GMAT Maths section. Subscribe to Wizako's GMAT Channel on YouTube

Wizako's Online GMAT Course: Most comprehensive and affordable GMAT Online Course with videos, slide decks, check point quizzes, chapter tests and hard math questions in 20 topics. Includes full length quant section tests. Sign up as a trial user and try Statistics and Averages free.

GMAT Verbal | What is tested in the GMAT Verbal Reasoning section?

The GMAT Verbal Reasoning Section comprises 2 types of questions: Reading Comprehension (about 11 to 13 questions) and Critical Reasoning (about 11 or 13 questions). Yes, you read it right. The test structure of the GMAT Focus Edition does not include Sentence Correction.

1. What is the duration of the GMAT verbal section?

The duration of the GMAT verbal section is 45 minutes. At the end of the 65th minute you will be navigated to the next section. Alternatively, if you took the verbal section as the last of the 3 sections, the test will end after the verbal section.

2. How many questions are there in the GMAT verbal section?

The GMAT verbal section comprises 23 multiple choice questions. There is only one correct answer for each question. While critical reasoning questions appear as standalone questions, reading comprehension questions appears in sets of 2 to 4 questions.

3. What is the maximum GMAT score in the GMAT Verbal Section?

The GMAT Score for the verbal section is on a scale of 60 to 90 in increments of 1. The maximum GMAT score possible for the verbal section is 90.

4. Is the GMAT Verbal section a computer adaptive test?

The GMAT verbal section is also a computer adaptive section.

5. What is a good GMAT score in the Verbal Section?

Any score upward of 78 is considered good. A score of 82 and above is what you should strive for.

6. How long should I prepare to get a good GMAT score in the Verbal Section?

A typical student (non native speaker) will require 100 hours of dedicated preparation to get a score of 82 or more in the veral section of the GMAT Focus Edition.

7. How can I Prepare for GMAT Verbal?

Free GMAT Verbal Preparation Resources

GMAT Critical Reasoning: Wizako's Free Practice Questions for Critical Reasoning. 15 questions with detailed explanation.. Access GMAT CR sample questions here.

Wizako's GMAT Focus Pro Online Course: Most comprehensive and affordable GMAT Online Course with videos, slide decks, check point quizzes, chapter tests for all 3 sections of the GMAT Focus Edtion. Sign up as a trial user and try Statistics and Averages in quant, first few lessons and practice in each question type of the GMAT DI section, and a few lessons in the GMAT CR and GMAT RC courses free.

GMAT Marking Scheme | What is the Total Score in the GMAT? What sections contribute to the GMAT Total Score?

To compute the GMAT total score, the GMAT score calculator includes your score in all the three sections of the GMAT - the GMAT Quant, the GMAT Verbal, and the GMAT DI section. The marking scheme of the GMAT Focus edition equally weight your score in all the three sections to compute the total GMAT score.

What is the range of the Total Score in GMAT Focus Edition?

In the new GMAT marking pattern, the GMAT total score is computed on a scale of 205 to 805 points in increments of 10 points.

What is a Competitive GMAT score and what is a Great GMAT score?

For most Indian / Asian GMAT test takers, a score of 655 or more is competitive.

A GMAT total score upward of 715 (99th percentile in CY2024) is a GREAT SCORE. If the rest of your resume meets the hygiene criteria, you are likely to get some form of tuition fee waivers / scholarship with a 715 GMAT score from quite a few top US business schools.

GMAT Exam Duration | Are there Breaks between the GMAT Sections?

The GMAT exam duration is 2 hours and 15 minutes (135 minutes) without counting one optional 10-minute break. You can choose to take the break between the first and the second or the second and the third section of the GMAT exam. Including the option break, the total GMAT exam duration is 145 minutes.

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