US Top Business Schools

Best MBA colleges in USA | Top 50 US B-Schools

This is the list of the best B Schools in the United States of America (USA). Among these top b schools are the Ivy League b schools. The order in which the b schools are listed on the site are quite representative of their rankings. However, the order should not be strictly construed to be rankings assigned to these b schools. The order may vary from that listed by other ranking services.

Most B Schools in the USA start their academic year with the Fall Semester. Students may apply to these B schools in one of the two or three rounds of application deadlines. Round 1 deadlines for the Fall Semester of a year fall in September - October of the previous calendar year. Round 2 deadlines fall in the months of December of the previous year or in January of the current year. Schools usually advice international students to apply in either Round 1 or Round 2 and not any later.

  1. Stanford University (CA)

    Stanford Graduate School of Business offers an MBA Program that is a two-year, full-time residential program, focusing on the academic facets of general business management. Stanford also offers a PhD Program and the Stanford MSx Program, a ten-month general management program for mid-career executives, leading to a master of science in management.

  2. Harvard Business School (MA)

    Harvard Business School offers a two year MBA Program. You can apply Online to this program. In addition, HBS also offers Doctoral Programs leading to a PhD in Management in any of the eight streams of Management viz., Accounting & Management, Business Economics, Health Policy (Management), Management, Marketing, Organizational Behavior, Strategy, Technology & Operations Management.

  3. Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University (IL)

    Kellogg School of Management offers full-time, part-time, executive and international executive MBA programs. Kellogg is organized into six academic departments and each area offers individual Doctoral Programs. Kellogg also offers a certificate program for undergraduates and a MS in Management Studies - the Russell Fellows Program.

  4. The Wharton School, The University of Pennsylvania (PA)

    Wharton offers full time Undergraduate Program in Business Management. The MBA Program offers a variety of flexible options to students to earn Dual or Joint Degrees. The School also offers Executive Education, and MBA for Executives. The Doctoral Program in the B School leads to a PhD in about 10 disciplines ranging from Marketing to Insurance and Risk.

  5. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Sloan (MA)

    Sloan offers Full Time MBA and Executive Programs. Sloan offers a Doctoral Program leading to PhD in management and an Undergraduate Program leading to Bachelor of Science in Management.

  6. Columbia Business School (NY)

    Columbia Business School offers a two year Full Time MBA and admits about 750 students each year to the program. The average GMAT score for admissions in Fall 2014 was 716. In addition, the School offers a Doctoral Program in five areas of management and also offers executive MBA options.

    Columbia also offers a range of Masters of Science programs. These include Master of Science in Financial Economics, Master of Science in Management Science and Engineering, and Master of Science in Marketing. These masters programs are 2 year degree programs.

  7. Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley (CA)

    Haas Business School offers a two year Full Time MBA program. In addition, the B-School also offers evening & weekend MBA programs and an executive MBA program. In addition to the masters program, the school also offers a Doctoral Program and a Undergraduate Course in business management. A special one year Masters in Financial Engineering Program is also offered by Haas School of Business.

  8. The Fuqua School of Business, Duke University (NC)

    The Fuqua School of Business offers four types of MBA programs viz., Daytime MBA, Cross Continent MBA, Global Executive MBA, and Weekend Executive MBA to suit the needs of different types of students. The Daytime MBA is the 2 year program offered by the school and admits about 450 students. The middle 80% GMAT range for admission to the Fall 2014 batch was 640 to 750. The average experience for this batch was 5 years.

    The Global Executive MBA program is a 15-month program for senior executives with at least 10 years of professional experience.In addition, the B School also offers a Doctoral Program. The Ph.D. Program currently offers programs of research and training in the areas of accounting, decision sciences, finance, marketing, management, and operations management.

  9. The University of Chicago Booth School of Business(IL)

    The Booth School of Business offers a 21-month full-time MBA and two part-time M.B.A. programs (Evening MBA and Weekend MBA), an Executive MBA program and a Doctoral Program.The average GMAT score for the full time MBA of the class of 2016 was 724. The batch had an average experience of 4.6 years. The program admits about 580 students.The executive MBA program is offered in 3 locations - Chicago, London, or Hong Kong.

  10. University of Michigan's Ross School of Business, Ann Arbor (MI)

    The Business School offers a two year Full Time MBA, four Masters programs viz., Masters of Accounting, Master of Entrepreneurship, Master of Management, and a Master of Supply Chain Management. In addition to these, Ross also offers an Evening MBA, a Weekend MBA, an Executive MBA, and a Global MBA program.

    The School also offers a Doctoral Program leading to a PhD in one of the following areas - Accounting, Business Economics and Public Policy, Finance, Management and Organizations, Marketing, Strategy, and Technology and Operations.

  11. Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth (NH)

    Tuck School of Business has been at the forefront of business education since 1900 as the first graduate school of management. Tuck offers only one degree program - the Full Time MBA. The School admits between 200 to 250 students each year.


  12. New York University Stern School of Business (NY)

    The Stern School of Business offers Full Time MBA and Executive MBA programs. In addition, the school also offers Undergraduate Program and a Doctoral Program in Business Management.

  13. The Anderson School at UCLA (CA)

    The Anderson School offers a variety of MBA programs to suit different needs. The Full Time MBA Program, The Fully Employed MBA Program and the Executive MBA Program. In addition, the school also offers Doctoral Program leading to a PhD in Management. The School admits less than 8 percent of all applicants into the Doctoral Program each year.

  14. Yale School of Management (CT)

    One of the leading business schools offers enrolment to about 250 students each year. The Doctoral Program at Yale School of Management offers specialization in Accounting, Financial Economics and Marketing.

  15. Darden Graduate School of Business Administration (VA)

    Darden Graduate School at University of Virginia at Charlottesville, VA offers a two-year Full Time MBA. The School also has an Executive MBA and Doctoral Program. The School has authorized major fields in Finance, Management, Marketing, and Operations Management. In making its admissions decisions each year, the School may choose not to admit doctoral students to a particular field.

    Darden has a "Future Year Scholars Program" that offers college students to apply to its MBA program. Admitted students can choose to gain from two to four years professional experience before starting their MBA at Darden. An equivalent of the 2 + 2 program at HBS.

  16. Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell University (NY)

    Johnson Graduate School at Cornell University offers a two year Full Time MBA, and an Executive MBA Program. The School also offers a Doctoral Program leading to a Phd in one of Accounting, Behavioral Science, Finance, Management & Organizations, Managerial Economics, Marketing, Production and Operations Management, and Quantitative Analysis for Administration.

    Johnson also offers a 1-year accelerated MBA program that starts in the summer semester in May of each year leading to a graduation in May of the subsequent year.

  17. Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University (PA)

    The Graduate School of Industrial Administration offers a two year Full Time MBA and a Flexi Time MBA program. The B School also offers an Undergraduate Program in Business Administration and a Doctoral Program leading to a PhD in one of the following specializations - Accounting; Economics; Finance; Information Systems; Manufacturing and Operations Management; Management of Manufacturing and Automation; Marketing; Operations Research; Algorithms, Combinatorics, and Optimization (ACO); and Organizational Behavior and Theory.

  18. Kenan Flagler Business School, Univ of N Carolina, Chapel Hill (NC)

    The B School offers a two year Full Time MBA program and a Master of Accounting program. The B School also offers an Undergraduate Program in Business Administration and a Doctoral Program in Business with specialization in Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Operations, Technology and Innovation Management, Organizational Behavior, and Strategy.

  19. McCombs School of Business, Univ of Texas, Austin (TX)

    The B School offers a two year Full Time MBA, Executive MBA and a Doctoral Program leading to a PhD with specialization in one of the following disciplines - Accounting, Finance, Management, Management Science & Information Systems, and Marketing.

  20. Kelley School of Business, Indiana University

    The B School offers a two year Full Time MBA, a Part Time MBA and an Online MBA. The School also offers an Undergraduate Program and a Doctoral Program. Areas of study in the doctoral program include Accounting, Business Economics and Public Policy, Finance, Marketing, Management & Entrepreneurship, and Operations & Decision Technonologies.

  21. University of Southern California (Marshall)

    The Marshall School of Business offers a variety of Undergraduate, Graduate, and a doctoral progragmme with research in the areas of Accouting, Finance and Business Economics, Information and Operations Management, Management and Organization, and Marketing. The Marshall School ranks 11th overall for its undergraduate business programs with all undergraduate academic programs ranked in the top 20. The Leventhal School of Accounting has ranked among the top five undergraduate accounting programs in the country.

    Talk gender parity - USC Marshall MBA Class of 2020 was the first major business school to reach gender parity in an MBA class. 50% of the students in class of 2020 were women.

  22. Georgetown University (McDonough)(DC)

    The Robert Emmett McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University offers both an Undergraduate and an MBA program. The International Executive MBA, IEMBA program is ranked amongst the top 15 in the world. In addition to its full time 2 year MBA program, the school also offers an evening and flex MBA program.

  23. Emory University (Goizueta)(GA)

    The Goizueta Business School at the Emory University offers degree programs at Undergraduate level, graduate level and a doctoral program in management. At the graduate level, Goizueta offers a 1-year full time MBA and a 2-year full time MBA program.

  24. The Ohio State University (Fisher)

    The Fisher College of Business at the Ohio State University is ranked amongst the top 15 for its undergraduate program and amongst the top 30 for its MBA program. The college also offers doctoral program. The college offers doctoral programs in 2 broad areas - PhD in Business Administration and PhD in Accouting and MIS.

  25. Purdue University-West Lafayette (Krannert)(IN)

    The Krannert School of Management and Graduate School of Management at the Purdue University offers Undergraduate, Graduate and Doctoral programs in Management. The school offers Bachelors' program in Accounting, Economics, Industrial Management and Management. The School offers Master's programs in Management including MS Business Analytics and Information Management. You could earn your MBA through the full time MBA, the weekend MBA or the executive MBA programs at the school.

  26. University of Rochester (Simon)(NY)

    The Simon School at the University of Rochester offers a Full Time MBA, a Part Time MBA, MS in Finance, and a Doctoral program in Management. The School also offers few specialized degree programs and many non-degree programs in Management. In 2019, Simon was the country's only MBA program with a STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) option for every specialization.

  27. Vanderbilt University (Owen)(TN)

    The Owen Graduate School of Management at the Vanderbilt University is a small school dedicated to post baccalaureate education in Management. The School offers an MBA program and a Doctoral Program. The school offers Masters program in the following specialization : MS Finance, MACC Assurance, MACC Valuation, Master of Marketing, and Master of Management in Health Care. The school admitted 179 full time MBA students for the class of 2020.

  28. Washington University in St. Louis (Olin)

    The Olin School of Business at the Washington University in St.Louis offers a BS in Business Administration, a Full Time MBA and a Doctoral program in Management.

    Students admitted to the full time 2-year MBA program of Olin have the option of combining their MBA degree with a specialized Masters in Business that include the following STEM designated specializations : MS in Analytics, MS in Finance quantitative track, MS in Supply Chain Management.

  29. University of Maryland-College Park (Smith)

    The Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland, College Park offers a undergraduate business program, a full time MBA, joint MBA/MS Masters programs and a Doctoral program in Management.

  30. Michigan State University (Eli Broad)

    The Eli Broad College of Business, Michigan State University offers an Undergraduate program in management (a large one at that. Admits about 1200 students), a full time MBA program and various Masters program in Management. In addition, the college also offers Doctoral programs in five main areas of management research.

  31. University of Arizona (Eller)

    The Eller Graduate School of Management, University of Arizona offers a full time MBA program. In addition to the full time MBA program, Eller also offers an Evening MBA, an Executive MBA and an Online MBA program.

  32. University of Minnesota-Twin Cities (Carlson)

    The Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota offers an Undergraduate program in Management and is ranked amongst the top 15 in the country. The School also offers a full time MBA, a part time MBA, an Online MBA, and an Executive MBA program in addition to various Masters programs. You can pursue a Doctoral programs in Business Administration and Ph.D in HRIR at Carlson. Carlson also provides students with an opportunity to get full time MBA dual degree in multiple disciplines.

  33. W P Carey Business School, Arizona State University - Main Campus

    W P Carey Business School offers a Full Time MBA and many Part Time and Online MBA courses. The Schools offers a full fledge Doctoral Program in management. The School also has an Undergraduate program in management that is ranked amongst the top 25 in the country.

  34. Mendoza College of Business, University of Notre Dame (IN)

    The Mendoza College of Business, Indiana offers an Undergraduate Program in management in the fields of accounting, finance, marketing, and management information system. At the graduation level, the College offers a Two Year Full Time MBA, a One Year Full Time MBA, Executive MBA, Business Analytics (MSBA) and a slew of Masters programs in Management.

  35. Scheller College of Business, Georgia Institute of Technology

    Scheller College of Management offers an Undergraduate program in Management leading to a BSM. The MBA program offered by the College is a two year full time program that admits students in the Fall term. The class of 2020 admitted 165 students. International students accounted for only 15% of the admitted class. Schellers's Doctoral Program is in the functional areas of finance, information technology, marketing, operations management, or organizational behavior.

  36. Smeal College of Business, Penn State University-University Park

    The College offers an Undergraduate Program in Management with an option to specialize in one of 8 majors. At the graduation level, the college admits about 60 students for its Full Time Two Year MBA. International students account for 30% of the class of 2020. Some MBA specializations in Smeal such as Supply Chain are ranked among the best in the country.

    The college also offers Masters program in the fields of accounting and supply chain and information systems. The Smeal Ph.D. Program offers the following fields of study: accounting, finance, management and organization, marketing, real estate, and supply chain and information systems.

  37. Jesse H. Jones GSB, Rice University (TX)

    The Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management, Rice University offers a Full Time Two Year MBA. The school admitted 120 full-time students for the class of 2020. The school also offers an executive MBA program that is ranked amongst the top 10 in the Southwest of the country.

  38. Cox School of Business, Southern Methodist University (TX)

    The Cox School of Business, Southern Methodist University offers an Undergraduate program that leads to BBA degree. At the graduate level the School offers a Full Time MBA and a Master of Science in Accounting. The school admitted 109 students to its MBA class of 2020 and offered scholarship to 65% of the class.

  39. Madison School of Business, University of Wisconsin, Madison

    The Madison School of Business offers a Full fledged Undergraduate program in management that is ranked amongst the top 15 in the country. Students can choose to major from among the 10 majors offered by the School. The graduate school offers a Full Time MBA with career specializations in Marketing, Finance, Operations, and Strategic Management. The school also offers a Doctoral Program in Business in areas including Accounting, Finance, Marketing, and Real Estate and Urban Land Economics.

  40. Boston College (Carroll)

    At the graduate level, Carroll School of Management, Boston College offers a Full-Time MBA and a Part-Time MBA. The Full-Time MBA program admitted 77 students to its class of 2020. International students accounted for only 14% of the class of 2020.

    The undergraduate program at Carroll offers students with a wide range of concentration. The Ph.D programs are offered by the school in the following concentration: Accounting, Finance, and Organization Studies.

  41. Brigham Young University (Marriott) (UT)

    The Marriott School of Brigham Young University admits about 140 to 150 students to its full-time MBA program. International students accounted for only 17% of the class of 2019. Women accounted for about 20% of the classes of 2017, 2018, and 2019. The school offers an executive MBA program.

    At the undergraduate level, Marriott offers a wide range of specializations in Business that include Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Experience Design, Finance, Global Supply Chain, Human Resources, Information Systems, Marketing, Strategy, and Therapeutic Recreation.

  42. Texas A & M University-College Station (Mays)

    Mays Business School offers the following undergraduate programs : BBA Accounting, BBA Business Honors, BBA Finance, BBA Management, BBA Management Information Systems, BBA Marketing, and BBA Supply Chain Management.

    At the graduate level, the Masters program offered by the school include MS Accounting, MS Business, MS Finance, MS Human Resource Management, MS Management Information Systems, MS Marketing, and Master's of Real Estate. The school offers 3 MBA programs : Full-Time MBA, Professional MBA, and Executive MBA. Doctoral aspirants can choose one of the following specializations : Accounting, Finance, Management, Marketing, and Operations and Supply Chain Management.

  43. Tulane University (Freeman) (LA)

    Freeman School of Business offers a 2-year Full-Time MBA at the graduate level. The Freeman MBA 2017 admitted 44 students including 17% international students. Tulane offers a Master of Business Analytics (MANA) program - the program can be completed in 10 months or extended to 18 months, allowing for a summer internship.

  44. University of California, Irvine (Paul Merage)

    Paul Merage School of Business, University of California, Irvine offers Full-Time MBA, Fully-employed MBA, and an Executive MBA program. The school is located at the heart of Orange County's "Tech Coast" and offers its students the locational advantage. The class of 2020 included 90 students. International students accounted for 45% of the class.

  45. Babson College (Olin) (MA)

    Babson offers 3 variants : Full-Time MBA, Part-Time MBA, and The Babson MBA - Miami. You could choose either the one-year or the two-year Full-Time MBA program and access the same courses and facilities. In 2019, the one-year program comprised 67% international students and the two-year program comprised 80% international students.


  46. University of Georgia (Terry)

    Terry College of Business, University of Georgia offers three MBA programs : Full-Time MBA, Professional MBA, and Executive MBA. The MBA class of 2020 comprised 52 students including 25% international students. The college offers a 1-year full-time STEM MBA. However, the program is open only to undergraduates of University of Georgia in an eligible discipline.


  47. University of Pittsburgh (Katz)

    Joseph M Katz Graduate School of Business, University of Pittsburgh offers One-Year MBA, Two-Year MBA, Professional MBA, Joint & Dual Degree MBA, and MBA with Business Analytics. In addition to these MBA programs, Katz also offers a wide array of MS programs in Management : Accounting, Business Analytics, Finance, Management, Management Information Systems, Marketing Science (formerly Customer Insights), and Supply Chain Management.

    The full-time MBA class of 2020 had 64 students. International students accounted for 48% of the students who joined the class of 2020.

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