Wizako Classes Review by Shreyas R

Graduate Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University | 740 in GMAT.

Just back from the test center. Got a 740!! (Q50, V40). First and foremost, I would like to thank Mr. Baskar and his team for all the support, guidance and personal attention that enabled me to score over 700.

My contact class with Wizako(4GMAT) began in May 2006 and in the next four months, there was no looking back. My preparation was a bit sluggish at the beginning (due to the FIFA 2006 WC!!!). I regularly kept attending the classes and by early July, I started preparing really seriously. Three hours everyday during weekdays and six hours every day during weekends was the quality time I spent for my preparation for almost 2.5 months.

My initial impression about the GMAT was that it was easy to crack - largely because of the standard of the OG questions. But, it was Mr. Baskar who made me realize that GMAT is a totally different ball game. I worked out all the problems in the Wizako's lesson books and workbooks. For verbal, Ms. Subashree was rocking!!! Errors made by Indian test-takers were pointed out and great tips in CR and RC really helped me improve my scores.

I took 2 PP tests and 2 GPREP tests and scored 680, 700, 690 and 720. Please avoid other prep CDs as they are either too easy or too difficult. If you guys take any paper based tests, I strongly suggest you maintain an error log, which will enable you to rectify your mistakes and improve your scores.

With good scores in the practice exams, I was confident that I will get a good score (read > 690). I still don't know how I missed a 51 in math!!! Thought all my answers were right....anyways I could have done much better in verbal; but, I am happy with my overall performance. I will strongly recommend Wizako's classroom coaching and materials to every prospective GMAT test-taker. These guys are here to help you; make use of them...

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