Feedback on Wizako's Classes by Prathiba

How I Moved From a 680 to 720 in the GMAT?

Before joining Wizako(4GMAT) for GMAT classes, I had already taken the GMAT in May 2009 after four months of hard work and dedicated self tutoring. Contrary to what I had expected however, on the D-day the GMAT threw a lot of surprises at me and I found it very difficult to endure this otherwise patience-testing 4-hour exam. By the time I was half way through my Verbal section, I had lost all my concentration, my reading seemed blurred and I scampered along to score a 680.

Many opined that this was a good score. However, I felt that this was not a true reflection of my potential. I knew I lost the battle because I had not channelized my preparation. This is when I decided to take the bull by the horns once again; only this time I knew I had to seek assistance from a team of dedicated teachers. I heard about Wizako from a few of my friends and so decided to join their classes. My decision to enroll at Wizako was rather a rash intuitional decision without much forethought. It turned out to be one of the best decisions in my life.

I enrolled in their weekend classes and as early as the first class I realized how true my intuition had been. I got exactly what I was looking for - teachers who would guide me whenever I hit a dead end and exhaustive and super course material to capitalize on. Quant classes handled by Mr. Baskar, Shreyas, Venkat and Sriram were the best Math classes I have ever attended. To say that they were "Funfilled and challenging" would be an understatement. Meanwhile, in the Verbal classes by Mrs. Subhashree and Aarti, I became aware of what exactly I had to do to ace this section. All my sessions were extremely addictive and I wouldn't miss a single class - not even for a cyclone! My special thanks to Mr. Baskar for taking classes for me even during those rainy days when I was the only one present in the whole class!

I couldn't take the GMAT immediately after my classes since I had a tight schedule at work. However, I was in constant touch with the faculty members. They continued to guide me and encourage me whenever I needed encouragement. They kept feeding me with more and more challenging questions, and tests basing it on the progress I was making. Even the slightest fear I had about the verbal section vanished during my preparation when everything started falling in place. My special thanks to Shreyas for the repeated follow ups on Gtalk!

I took the GMAT again on 17th June 2010. It was a totally new experience this time. I loved writing the test. My reading speed had increased dramatically and I could see that I had developed what they call "out of the box thinking", especially for the data sufficiency part. My concentration was intact till the last minute of the test and I was overjoyed to get the score of 720. (I do think that if I hadn't postponed my test, I would have scored more!) My sincere thanks to all my faculty members at Wizako and also to Mr.Murthy, the center head at Mylapore, who was instrumental in this huge turning point in my life!

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