Student Reviews | Wizako GMAT Classes

Reviews and testimonials about Wizako's GMAT Classes

Feedback and review by some of Wizako's GMAT students. Their testimonial and how Wizako helped them achieve their GMAT scores and reach B schools of their choice. You may be able to relate to the some of their stories and empathize with them.

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  1. Karthik Hariharan

    "At the outset what sets Wizako (4GMAT) apart from its competitors is the individual attention that its tutors could afford; .... One of the key elements for success in any competitive exam is the understanding of the fact that each student needs to do as much grind as necessary and not limit himself to doing only what his peers do, a mantra over-emphasized at Wizako."

  2. Madhav Marda

    "Prior to joining Wizako (4GMAT) my Quant score was stuck at Q45-46 in 5-6 mock tests of repute. However within 2-3 weeks of the coaching there, my quant score got the necessary push it needed and I ended up scoring a strong Q50 in my actual GMAT in November 2014."

  3. Ganesh Parameswaran

    "NOT WITHOUT WIZAKO (4GMAT): Relief, delight and incredulity, in that order when I got my unofficial GMAT score report. The Wizako material covers the basic concepts comprehensively and this conceptual grasp is the crucial success differentiator."

  4. Bhargavi

    "It makes a lot of difference when your tutors are genuinely interested in your performance and Wizako (4GMAT) definitely has a brilliant set of tutors who produce many 700s (read 700 and above) everyday."

  5. Sahil Nanda

    "Wizako (4GMAT) stretches that extra mile with its instructors; they are not only experts but also have expertise in the art of teaching. Instructors excellence and experience speaks about their capabilities. All the above factors combined helped me increase my score from 680 to 730."

  6. Pratibha

    "I was overjoyed to get the score of 720. (I do think that if I hadn't postponed my test, I would have scored more!) My sincere thanks to all my faculty members at Wizako (4GMAT) and also to Mr.Murthy, the center head at Mylapore, who was instrumental in this huge turning point in my life!" "

  7. Huria

    "I am not here to advertise on their behalf. All I will say is that the material in those 5 books - 2 topic wise books that cover the basics, 1 book containing DS speed tests and 1 containing PS tests - made me feel extremely confident leading up to the test."

  8. Sricharan Ravindran

    "Excellent counselling and guiding methods of Wizako (4GMAT) helped me land an offer from Thunderbird with a 25% scholarship."

  9. Lavanya

    "Took the GMAT on May 3rd 2006 and scored a 750 (99th percentile). I couldn't have done it without Wizako (4GMAT). I went from a 710 (After working on the Official Guide) to a 760 on the GMATprep practice software and I attribute that 50-point increase solely to Wizako."

  10. Shreyas Ramakrishnan

    "Just back from the test center. Got a 740!! (Q50, V40). I am happy with my overall performance. I will strongly recommend Wizako (4GMAT) classroom coaching and materials to every prospective GMAT test-taker. These guys are here to help you; make use of them..."

  11. Major Karthik

    "A smart working candidate with intelligence and gumption along with the fantastic training team of Wizako (4GMAT) makes a winning combination on whom even Mr Warren Buffet might not think twice before putting his money on a final score of 750+! "

  12. Anand Hariharan

    "I took my GMAT last week and scored 690(48Q/36V). Having been out of academics for the past 12 years I would not have got this score but for Wizako (4GMAT)."

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