Welcome to the live session of Statistics & Average Part II. You can watch the entire session by playing the embedded video. The questions discussed on November 3, 2017 during the live session are listed below the embedded video. The video link next to each question will take you to the start of the part of the video where that specific question is discussed. Click the video embedded below to watch the entire session.
Concepts covered in this Free GMAT Live Session on Wizako's YouTube channel are
Consider the following set of numbers: 50, 40, 10, 20, 60, 30, 70, 90, 80. How many of these observations lie within one standard deviation of the mean?
If the standard deviation of 4 positive numbers p, q, r, and s is d, what is the standard deviation of (2p − 2), (2q − 2), (2r − 2) and (2s − 2)?
What is the median of integers a, b, and c?
If ab = c, what is the median of a, b, and c?
If Set S = {x, x, y, z} what is the standard deviation of S?
A stationary car starts moving, and is accelerating constantly. Will it average higher than 60 km/h over a 4 km journey?
What is the standard deviation of three positive integers, a, b, and c?
a, b, and c are three positive integers such that abc = 12. What is the standard deviation of a, b, and c?
Is 'b' the median of three numbers, a, b, and c?
Let's learn the method by taking an example. What is the standard deviation of 1, 3, and 5?
Step 1: Compute the average of the given numbers.
Average of 1, 3, and 5 = \\frac{\text{1 + 3 + 5}}{3}) = \\frac{\text{9}}{3}) = 3
Step 2: Compute the Deviations for each of the terms. What is deviation?
Deviation is the difference between each of the terms and the average of the set of numbers.
The deviations for the 3 numbers are (1 − 3), (3 − 3), and (5 − 3).
The deviations are therefore -2, 0, and 2
Step 3: Square the Deviations
(-2)2, 02, and (2)2
i.e., 4, 0, and 4
Step 4: Compute the Variance. What is variance?
The Average of the Squared Deviation is the Variance.
The average of 4, 0, and 4 = \\frac{\text{4 + 0 + 4}}{\text{3}}) = \\frac{\text{8}}{\text{3}})
Step 5: Compute Standard Deviation (SD). How to compute SD from Variance?
Standard Deviation is the square root of variance.
Hence, Standard Deviation of the given numbers is \\sqrt{\frac{\text{8}}{\text{3}}})
Variance can be computed as the difference between the 'Mean of Squares' and the 'Square of Mean'.
Let's understand how to apply this formula by applying it to finding the standard deviation of x1, x2, and x3
First part is mean of squares (MOS). \\frac{x_1^2 + x_2^2 + x_3^2}{3})
The second part is square of mean (SOM). \\left[ \frac{x_1 + x_2 + x_3}{3} \right]^2 )
Therefore, variance = \\frac{x_1^2 + x_2^2 + x_3^2}{3}) − \\left[ \frac{x_1 + x_2 + x_3}{3} \right]^2 )
And standard deviation = \\sqrt{\frac{x_1^2 + x_2^2 + x_3^2}{3} - \left[ \frac{x_1 + x_2 + x_3}{3} \right]^2 })
If all the numbers in the data set are equal, the standard deviation will be zero.
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