Welcome to the live session of GMAT Critical Reasoning (CR) - Weaken an argument. To watch the concepts and questions discussed on December 1, 2017 during the live session follow the embedded video. The video link next to each question will take you to the detailed video explanation for that question. Click the video embedded below to watch the entire session.
Concepts covered in this Free GMAT Live Session on Wizako's YouTube channel are
The menu at the cafeteria of the King High School has always been monitored and designed by a special committee comprising parents and teachers. However, the one at the Leader High School is voted on by the students themselves. A recent evaluation of the two menus showed surprising results. The menu at Leader was found to be more healthy and wholesome than the one at King. Clearly, students are more conscious of their health and nutritional requirements than are their parents and teachers.
Which of the following, if true, points out that the conclusion is based on a wrong reasoning?
It has long been established that teenagers who binge drink are more likely to have alcohol problems in adulthood as well. It was believed that the problem was primarily behavioral or societal - that these teenagers never learnt to cope with stress. However, a study shows that binge drinking as adolescents can lead to gene regulation and disrupt brain development in a manner that promotes anxiety. Thus, it would seem that people do not turn to alcohol to relieve anxiety but rather that turning to alcohol induces anxiety.
Which of the following, if true, undermines the author's reasoning?
In the town of Shelby, every single building has met the safety stipulations of the fire department and placed adequate fire extinguishers in strategic places throughout the buildings. Also, following a major fire tragedy two years ago, the citizens have learnt the importance of being prepared and many of them have attended the emergency fire drill and lessons offered by the department. The town is no longer exclusively dependant on the fire department and there is no longer a need for the extensive facilities at the department. The mayor's office can significantly bring down the costs to the government by reducing both the number of trucks and firemen and use the money saved to better implement other schemes.
Which of the following, if true, best explains why the mayor's office may not be able to implement the recommendation?
A study was done among a group of prisoners, most of whom had been imprisoned for theft, and among a group of 10-year olds. All the respondents from the two groups had to answer a questionnaire that tested their ethical and moral value systems. It was surprisingly found that most of the prisoners had as strong a sense of right and wrong as the children. Clearly, people are driven to thieving out of necessity and the penalty for such crimes must be reduced from imprisonment to community service.
Which of the following, if true, LEAST questions the underlying assumptions in the argument?
There has long been a debate about whether the extinction of dinosaurs was triggered by a meteor collision or a volcanic eruption. In recent years, evidence has been increasingly found in support of the meteor collision theory, including the identification of a large crater that has been dated toward the end of the cretaceous era and the identification of high iridium levels in clay and marine strata. The high levels of iridium can be explained only by extra-terrestrial influence. However, this does not necessarily resolve the debate because ________
Over the last three years, there has been a measurable shift in the leisure reading preferences of high school students. The most commonly sold or lent out books have dealt with supernatural creatures such as vampires and werewolves. Three years ago, the movie Bites of Death that revolved around both vampires and werewolves was released nationwide and overnight became the biggest blockbuster of the decade. Clearly, three years later, the movie is still influencing the reading preferences of youngsters.
Which of the following, if true, undermines the author's reasoning
Pet owners need to be careful about diseases that can spread from the pets, especially to children and pregnant women. While there are medications that are frequently recommended by vets to get rid of dangerous bacteria in the urine and feces of dogs and cats, regular bathing of the animals is the only way to ensure that their fur is clean of ticks, along with not letting their pets interact with strays, ensuring that infected fleas and ticks do not spread.
Which of the following, if true, undermines the author's reasoning
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